My family lived in the Queen Charlotte Islands when I was young. Like, kindergarten young. I remember moss on trees, fields filled with dandelions, abandoned Haida artifacts in the woods, and that we all thought we were living North of anywhere.
Now that I am North of almost everything it seems that Haida was so far south in comparison. In fact, the other day we drove South to get to Alaska (the whole way I sang "we're going south to Akaska. We're going south to the Northern zone...")
One of the other things I remember about my time in Masset on the Queen Charlottes was that my father always said, if you don't like the weather just wait ten minutes.
The same seems to be true of the Yukon.
It was cloudy, raining, snowing, and sunny so far today. I figure the sunset will be equally confused if I manage to stay up for it.
I am not sure people here remember the weather in the rest of the country, and how one can have days and days of snow, or rain.... Or even occasionally sun!
But it seems like the North is a place where the weather is amazingly good. I am convinced there is very little precipitation here compared to the rest of the country. I am also convinced that the difference between when it snows and when it rains and when it is sunny is far less of a shift than I am used to experiencing.
Of course, I am onto almost full time daylight now... Not really, but for all intents and purposes it is daylight while I am awake. So there is that aspect of things which might be colouring my feelings about the weather.
You see, between it being relatively nice and dry all the time, and it being daylight all the time, there is a lot of energy to spare. My body and mind are more awake for longer and although it is hard to fall asleep.... It is also interesting when you still feel like going out to start doing something in the evening at 8 or 9.
I wonder what the opposite does. Would I never want to do anything if it wa dark all the time?
Anyway, just another myth dispelled. The North is not nearly as horrible as I always suspected. In fact, aside from the tropics I have never been anywhere I enjoy the weather so much.
I really love your Northern ponderings and hope you keep writing them. That was one of the coolest things...driving south to Alaska.